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We are digital librarians. Among us are represented the various reasons to keep data - legal requirements, competitive requirements, uncertainty of permanence of cloud services, distaste for transmitting your data externally (e.g. Government or corporate espionage), cultural and familial archivists, internet collapse preppers, and people who do it themselves so they're sure it's done right. Everyone has their reasons for curating the data they have decided to keep (either forever or For A Damn Long Time tm). Along the way we have sought out like-minded individuals to exchange strategies, war stories, and cautionary tales of failures. We are legion. And we're trying really hard not to forget.

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No unapproved sale threads. Related Subreddits. It's been a long while since I tried to do the same with my game disks so maybe it's changed but I found it nearly impossible to get actually working ISOs that wouldn't trip the games DRM.

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It can be done but you will be doing a lot of googling for every single game to find the perfect mix of ripping software and settings for said software. Some games also can't even be copied at all without certain disc drives or without custom disc drive firmware.

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I also remember some forms of DRM will even include disc mastering errors/physical corruption on the actual disc and use those as a sort of fingerprint for the DRM. The copied ISO has to include them at the exact same place in the ISO as on the IRL disc and the ISO emulator has to emulate the disc drive read errors they cause. I just gave up myself and downloaded already existing versions someone else made.