Watch: Alternative Twitter Apps For Mac

Everybody I know uses Twitter and many friends of mine have Twitter as their main social network. My best friend could talk to me through various apps, but he prefers to talk exclusively via Twitter. This friend in particular prefers to use an alternative app to Twitter. I prefer Twitter app itself, but there are people out there who do not.

Inspired by and by listing 5 alternatives to Reddit official app, I will list 5 alternatives to Twitter app. You may be thinking which is the best, the official app or the alternatives. After you read this article, it is up to you to decide. Echofon Echofon This app is familiar to me since when it was just a plug-in to Firefox and it was called Twitter Fox.

This powerful software is not just for video; it can help you convert images to JPG and many other image formats. JPEG conversion lets you make an image file smaller in size while keeping a relatively high image quality, so many users convert photos to JPEGs to conserve hard disk space. If you need a handy JPEG converter, we recommend you try Movavi Video Converter! Free image and video converter for mac.

This app was born in 2009, when Twitter was still getting popular. It is not the best app you can find out there, but it is very simple, if you are looking for this kind of experience. The only problem you can find in Echofon are the very intrusive ads. Since it is totally free, it has many ads. According to Echofon developers, this app is the only free Twitter alternative that brings push notifications and inline photo previews. It is available for both. UberSocial UberSocial It is supposed to be the most popular full-featured Twitter app for smartphones, according to its developers.

In fact, this app presents a wide range of options when using Twitter. Furthermore, it is easy to use and very intuitive. For example, it has a moveable menu bar. Also, Ubersocial helps you compose tweets with one tap only.

It also is very useful for those who manage more than one account. It is totally free and available for, and even. Twitterrific Twitterrific This app has a very particular feature: it works with Apple Watch! I have not tested it yet because I do not have an Apple Watch, but it seems to be very interesting.

Watch: Alternative Twitter Apps For Mac Computer

It is supposed to be like a premium Twitter client and it works with iOS only. Twitterrific has a very elegant design. It has many functionalities that every Twitter user would like to use.

For example, the app colors are fully customizable and it has a very good hashtag filter. As said, it is available for and it is free.


There is also a for $9.95. Carbon for Twitter Carbon for Android Carbon is supposed to be a premium alternative for Android users. This app is exclusive to Android and features a great performance and many functionalities. Among the functionalities, you could highlight the in-app YouTube video playback, GIF support and it is always being updated. This app has a particularity: it puts everything on one screen only! You do not have to swipe through your timeline, mentions, searches and lists, everything is in one place. Tweetbot Tweetbot: The Best Twitter App Alternative This app is the best alternative for Twitter, but, unfortunately it is available for only.

It is the ultimate premium experience for Twitter. This app lets you create multiple timelines and swipe between them. Also, it has very smart gestures. This app costs $5.79 and it also has a for $14.99. The Best Alternatives to Twitter App It is your chance to decide which experience you want to have when you are interacting with your friends on Twitter. There are simple and very premium experiences.

Also, there are apps for Android and iOS. You are free to choose which one is te best for you.