Tim Burton Viva Voce

Tim Burton Viva Voce

The Spleen Orchestra comes to life in 2009, when Silvano Spleen, pianist-composer, Paolo Agrati, poet, and Moreno 'Sguangia' Teriaca, singer, decided to turn their love for Timothy Walter Burton’s poetics into a new musical project. The group grow bigger thanks to other characters in line with the originality of the band. A new freak circus was born, dedicated to the Burtonian imagination in which gothic fairytale atmospheres merge with excerpts from the most popular movies by Tim Burton performed live. An eight man band. Impressive scenic design. Make-up, costumes, scenography and special effects to carry the audience in a journey through the multiple narrative universe of the American director.

Tim Burton Viva Voce

After nine years and dozens of memorable shows across Italy and Europe, we gained experience by always giving our personal interpretation of the most popular Danny Elfman songs. This year we decided to gather our personal crazy version of this musical heritage in an Album that will bring you our story and our path. The founds raised due to this Campaign will partially cover the costs for:. Recording studio. Mix. CDs and other perks.

Viva Voce Meaning

You can pick-up your reward personally during one of our Concerts (more information on our Social profiles). If you prefer to receive your reward at home the shipping costs are 9€ for Italy, 13€ (for the Album) or 20€ (for a Kit) for the rest of Europe, and 15€ or 25€ for the rest of the World. When the Campaign is over we will contact you to ask if you want to pick-up your reward or prefer to pay for shipping. The rewards are meant to be delivered in December, before Christmas. Rewards that allows you to stay with us for a Concert or rehearsals do NOT include traveling costs.

Rewards that brings our show directly to you only includes the cost for traveling in Lombardia (Italy). If you want us to perform elsewhere in Italy or in the World traveling costs are on you. Attenta Creatura, se ti aggiudichi questa ricompensa verrai immediatamente trascinata nel Paese di Halloween e ti ritroverai dietro le quinte insieme a noi. Verrai truccato, vestito e coccolato e salirai sul palco con noi per esibirti in un brano in un concerto a tua scelta! Ovviamente se riuscirai a tornare a casa sano e salvo ti porterai via la tua copia autografata del nostro Album. Beware, Creature! Get this perk and you'll have to follow us on the stage of a concert of your choice to perform a song with us.

Tim Burton Viva Voce Salon

But first you'll have to stay in the backstage with us to get dressed and put some make up on! You also get a signed copy of our Album! Segui il Bianconiglio e raggiungici nel Paese delle Meraviglie. Questa ricompensa da accesso a 2 persone ad una giornata di prove con l'intera Spleen Orchestra con aperitivo finale. Oltre a conoscere tutti i nostri segreti avrete modo di portarvi a casa: - 2 copie autografate dell'Album - 2 T-Shirt - 2 Ciondoli Plettro - 2 Poster. Follow the White Rabbit and reach us in Wonderland for a whole day with the Spleen Orchestra.

Viva Voce Crossword

This is a unique opportunity for 2 persons to meet us during rehearsals and for a drink afterwards. You also get: - 2 Signed Album - 2 T-Shirt - 2 Guitar Pick Necklace - 2 An exclusive A3 Poster.