Batch Delete For All Block Definitions In Block Manager?

. 3.10.5.

Exhibit 3.10.5-1. Exhibit 3.10.5-2. Submission Processing Chapter 10. Campus Mail and Work Control Section 5. Batch/Block Tracking System (BBTS) 3.10.5 Batch/Block Tracking System (BBTS) Manual Transmittal November 09, 2018 Purpose (1) This transmits revised IRM 3.10.5, Campus Mail and Work Control, Batch/Block Tracking System (BBTS). Material Changes (1) Editorial and grammatical updates made throughout this IRM.

Batch Delete For All Block Definitions In Block Manager Autocad

(2) IRM Internet access, updated BBTS login hyperlink. (3) IRM Added 1040X/CP Batch Creation Sub Menu. (4) IRM Added 1040X/CP Maintenance Menu.

(5) IRM Updated instructions for Data Control. (6) IRM Added Batch Creation screen. (7) IRM Added 1040X/CP Batch Creation screen. Effect on Other Documents IRM 3.10.5 dated November 10, 2017 (effective 01-01-18) is superseded. This IRM did not have an IRM Procedural Update (IPU) issued during processing year 2018.

Audience These instructions will be used by employees in Wage and Investment (W&I) and Small Business Self Employed (SBSE). Effective Date Linda J. Brown Director, Submission Processing Wage and Investment Division. Note: The FLC will not be visible (in most cases). When the user runs reports on BBTS production site, the system will return only those records which apply to that particular campus. These steps greatly reduce the possibility of errors, while increasing both the quality and quantity of work processed. The instructions in this section are provided as a reference for the functional areas engaged in BBTS operations.

Managers should ensure that each BBTS workstation operator has their own copy of this IRM. Audience: The content contained within this IRM are intended for use by Wage and Investment (W&I) and Small Business Self Employed (SBSE) employees.

Policy Owner: Director, Submission Processing, Wage and Investment Division. Program Owner: Paper Processing Branch, Mail Management/Data Conversion Section (an organization within Submission Processing).

Primary Stakeholders: Submission Processing employees within all business Operations, other employees in W&I and SBSE. Program Goals: Input taxpayer return data to enable tracking of the processing of the information through various processes and retrieve report information as necessary to aid in work processes. The Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) of 1982 requires each executive agency to conduct annual evaluations of its systems of control using guidelines set by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Batch Delete For All Block Definitions In Block Manager Job

In December 2004, OMB issued Circular Number A-123, revised, to provide guidance to Federal managers on improving the accountability and effectiveness of Federal managers on improving the accountability and effectiveness of Federal programs and operations by establishing, assessing, correcting, and reporting on internal control. For specific guidelines and responsibilities, refer to the Circular, and to IRM 1.4.1 Management Roles and Responsibilities and IRM 1.4.2, Monitoring and Improving Internal Control. The Batch/Block Tracking System (BBTS) is a comprehensive, integrated batch creation and tracking program. BBTS is the control and tracking system for the submissions as they make their way through pipeline processing. BBTS resides at the Enterprise Computing Center (ECC-MEM) in Memphis, Tennessee. BBTS captures and stores data regarding receipts and production volume. As a result, BBTS stores a vast amount of data which can be used in performance monitoring and production projections.

Program Goals - Serve as a resource in utilizing BBTS applications in the tracking of taxpayer tax return information. Annual Review - An IRM Document Clearance review is completed annually to ensure accuracy of the contents. Term/Acronym Definition Batch A specific group of like documents. Batch Sequence Number A 4-digit number used for tracking a batch of work.

Batch Transmittal Form 9382 is used as a control document for record of program, batch sequence number, ABC’s, DLN’s, received date, processing date, cycle and volume. Block A specific set of numbered documents from a batch of work. Block and Selection record Form 1332 used for Non-Remit documents. This individual information sheet, referred to as the block header contains an ABC, DLN, tax year, transaction code, batch sequence number, tax period, received date, and DIS program, all of which correspond to a specific transmittal. Blocking Series The 9th, 10th and 11th digits in a Document Locator Number which indicates the block number of the return. Up to 100 sequence numbers may be associated with one block number 00 through 99.

Cash Conversion Payments paid at the area office by the taxpayer. The area office writes the money amount on the documents and processes the check(s). All documents are then sent with white deposit tickets to the appropriate campus. Doc Code A 2-digit number that identifies a form to be processed. This code is the fourth and fifth digits of a Document Locator Number.

DLN Document Locator Number (DLN). A 14-digit number assigned to each return or payment received, consisting of a File Location Code, Tax Class, Document Code, Julian Date, Blocking Series, Serial Number and Tax Year. FLC File Location Code (FLC). Identification number of the campus or area office where a tax return is processed. ISRP Integrated Submission Remittance Processing (ISRP). Is a system used to process forms and remittances.

Documents are entered, processed, and fed to other IRS systems for recordation. Julian Date The numeric day of the year. Example: Such as, April 17, 2018 is Julian Date 107, the 107th day of 2018. The sixth, seventh and eighth digits in a DLN are the Julian Date.

Lockbox Lockbox involves the processing of tax payments by commercial banks, which accelerates the handling and deposit of funds received and is forwarded to Treasury. Lockbox banks process payments for the following IMF forms (1040 family, etc.). The DLN consists of a FLC unique to lockbox processing. Master File Tax code Master File Tax Code is A 2-digit code used to identify a type of a tax return. N/R Non-Remit.(N/R) is a condition where no check or money order is enclosed. Program Code A 5-digit number assigned to specific forms or documents. Example: (e.g., 44110 - Form 1040A) Recapitulation of Document Register Form 813-A, which is a compilation of generated money amounts from all Form 813’s.

Re-entry Document Control Form 3893, which is used as a block header for re-entry documents. RPS Remittance Processing System (RPS) is a system used to record payment received from taxpayers. RPSID Remittance Processing System Identification (RPSID) is A unique system generated number which is printed on the back of processed payments and in which images are captured and archived. SCCF Service Center Control File Processing (SCCF) is the principle means of control for returns and remittances being processed at each campus.

SCCF controls every block of 100 submission by DLN and identifies the number of submissions. Tax Class The third digit of the DLN. This digit identifies the type of tax each transaction involves.

URL Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to an Internet/Intranet resource. W/R With-Remit (W/R) is a condition in which receipts have check(s) or money order(s) enclosed. Note: Reports unit personnel may require the need to have access to multiple sites with their single local user id.

Those users requiring this access will specify such requests in their OL5081 in Special Instructions. Managers for these users will need to grant approval to the multiple site access request before the request will move forward to the OL5081 Administrators for action.

After management approval, the OL5081 request will be delivered electronically to the OL5081 administrator for action. Local BBTS Coordinators are responsible for obtaining OL5081 E-mail notification for the appropriate OL5081 access group. The instructions for request addition (or deletion) from the BBTS approval groups for OL5081 E-mail notification are located on the OL5081 home page.

All forms must be approved by the Headquarters BBTS Coordinator/Analyst and local management. The Local BBTS Coordinator will grant screen access to others (managers and/or functional coordinators) and allow them to grant access to the BBTS users. Local BBTS Coordinators will refer requests for elevated access level to the HQ BBTS Coordinator. The Local BBTS Coordinator will add, delete, enable, or disable accounts, and grant user access by adding records to the Security User File. Note: Security Maintenance controls which screens the BBTS user can access. For example, if a user is granted access to the screen as Function 190 only, the user will not be able to generate With-Remit DLNs. The Local BBTS Coordinator is responsible for the DLN Reference File, Resetting RPSID ranges, the Pipeline Inventory Monitoring System (PIMS) Maintenance, PIMS Estimates, PIMS Closeouts, and the actions required to maintain the User Security File.

The Local BBTS Coordinator serves as the first point of contact from local users that are encountering problems with BBTS. The Local BBTS Coordinator assess and analyze problems brought to their attention and make recommendations on corrective actions to take to remedy the issue or will elevate as needed to the Headquarters BBTS Coordinator for action. The BBTS Production Web Site is accessed directly at the following web address:.

Within the BBTS Production Web Site authorized users can add, change, and delete various production data as appropriate. Users may also access BBTS, from the SP Home Page at: Under the heading 'About Us' the user should click on the sub-heading 'Website Library'. On the page, 'Website Library', under the heading 'Specialty', the user should click on the link to the 'Consolidated Data Depository (CDD)'. The password cannot match the user name. The password must be at least eight (8) characters in length. The password must contain at least one (1) digit. The password must contain at least one upper case alpha character (A-Z).


The password must contain a special character of either the underscore or number/pound sign (#). The special character cannot be at the very beginning or the very end of the password. The password must contain at least one lower case alpha character (a-z). Nvidia geforce 7300 le driver.

The password must differ from the last one by at least three (3) characters (for example: if the old password was snoopy, the new password cannot be Snoopy, but it could be S leepy#23 because it changed by three characters). Passwords cannot be reused within 365 days. Click on the 'Connect' button. The system will prompt you to create a new password by requiring the user to.

Caution: Batch Restoration selection after a batch has been deleted may result in creation of a duplicate copy of the previously deleted batch. Parameters of the batch (e.g., number of documents or function location) may be automatically changed without warning. Inform the local BBTS Coordinator of all batch restoration activities prior to completing a batch restoration. Batch Rollback. W/R Batch Rollback. Entity Batch Creation. Entity Release.

Entity Volume Change. Entity Batch Deletion.

Entity Batch Assignment. Entity Batch Slip Re-print. ICT Batch Creation. ICT Batch Release. ICT Batch Volume Change. ICT Batch Deletion.

1040X/CP Batch Rollback. 1040X/CP Batch Creation. 1040X/CP Batch Release. 1040X/CP Batch Volume Change. 1040X/CP Batch Deletion Restoration. Re-print Transmittals. Batch Query.

Receipts Report. Production Report. Inventory Report. Late Cycle Report.

Sorted MCR Report. Files Report. The Reports Menu allows the user to access BBTS Reports.

Depending upon the level of access a user has access to all reports may not be available to all users. BBTS reports are used to track Receipts, Production, Inventory, Late Cycles, Query Batches and DLNs. With the 'Reports' Menu, users have the capability to reprint transmittals. See Figure 3.10.5-14. The generated Batch Transmittal Form 6695, is routed to Data Control for retention and balancing.

See IRM, Master Control Record Verification, for MCR (Master Control Record) Balancing Procedures. Form 6695 are returned from Data Conversion after the MCRs have been established on Service Center Control File (SCCF).

The form is used for count verification of generated Non-remittance MCRs. Its purpose is to assign and keep track of ABC's, track Remittance Processing System Identifications (RPSIDs) and print Form 1332 for each RPSID generated. Note: The Work date and Julian Date are automatically displayed. Enter the appropriate 2-digit 'Organization Code' and press. Enter the 3-digit 'Function Code'. Enter the 5-digit 'Program Code'. Enter the 'Additional Receipts' processed for the week then press.

Enter the 'Additional Production' for the week then press. Verify that all entries are correct. If the information is correct, enter 'Y' and press. A pop-up window indicates holddt=MMDDYYYY. Cursor returns to the 2-digit 'Organization Code'. If the information is incorrect, enter 'N' to cancel and press. A pop-up window indicates holddt=MMDDYYYY.

Cursor returns to the 2-digit 'Organization Code'. The Batch Creation Screen is used to create batch numbers. BBTS systemically creates and assigns new batch numbers by 'Program Number', ranging from 0001 to 9999. Once BBTS reaches Batch Number 9999 for a Program Number, the next batch number for that same Program Number will be 0001. BBTS will create 're-circulating' batch numbers by Program Number and may create two Batch Numbers on the same day that are the same ( but for different Program Numbers). To create a batch number, 'navigate' to the Batch Creation Screen and enter the following. See Figure 3.10.5-24.

Note: This field also offers a pop-up screen by selecting 'Tools' and 'List of Values'. Batch ID- Enter the 'Batch ID' information or leave blank. Batch Number- The 'Batch Number' is automatically generated at the end of this process. Batch Source- The 'Batch Source' automatically defaults to 'Standard'. If the 'Batch Source' type is not Re-input, Reprocessable or Odd Batch, press and the cursor will automatically move to next field.

If the 'Batch Source' type is a Re-input, a Reprocessable or Odd Batch, see below. DLN Reference Num- The 'DLN Reference Number' is a 1–4-digit number assigned to DLN Reference established for a program. Note: (1) This field also offers a pop-up screen by selecting 'Tools' and 'List of Values'. (2) This field auto-populates if there is only one choice available in the DLN Reference file for the five-digit Program Code entered. Acct Type- The 'Acct (Account) Type' box is used for all IRP batches (Schedule K-1s, etc.). RRPS/Lockbox Batch- This field automatically defaults to 'No'. If the batch is a 'RRPS/Lockbox Batch', use the down arrow to select 'Yes' then press.

Received Date- This date is automatically generated in Julian Date/Year format (NNN/YYYY). If the date is correct, press. If the date is incorrect, manually enter the correct date and press. Alt Cycle Start- The 'Alt (Alternate) Cycle Start' date is automatically generated in Julian Date/Year format (NNN/YYYY).

If the date is incorrect, manually enter the correct date and press. Days in Cycle- Enter the 'Days in Cycle' then press.

Note: Refer to IRM 3.30.123, Cycles, Criteria and Critical Dates. Release Date- The 'Release Date' is automatically generated in Julian Date/Year format (NNN/YYYY). Release Cycle- The 'Release Cycle' is automatically generated then press. Route- The 'Routing Paths' are listed in the 'List of Values'. To view the list of routing paths, click on 'Tools', then 'List of Values'.

Enter the number that corresponds to the 'Routing Path' selected then press. Estimated Volume- Enter the 'Estimated Volume' of the batch then press. SCRIPS Block Count- The 'SCRIPS Block Count' is used for programs controlled by BBTS but processed via SCRIPS, (Schedule K-1s, etc.). How many batches? - Enter the 'number of identical batches' to be created then press. Continue- This field automatically defaults to 'Y' to continue.

If 'N' is entered, the cursor automatically moves to the 'Program Code' field. A pop-up window opens with the following message: 'Batch created successfully.' Press the key to complete the action. Pictured is the Manual Deposit Final Batch Creation Screen from BBTS. Click on the 'Navigate' function to select and access the Batch Creation screen. Batch Type- From the drop-down window use the mouse to click and select 'Manual Deposit Final Batch'.

The cursor then will move automatically to the Program Code field. Program Code- Enter the 5-digit Program Code assigned to the Batch.

The cursor automatically moves to the Batch ID field if the code is recognized as an acceptable code. If not recognized as an acceptable code the system will open an additional window listing all available acceptable codes.

Batch ID- Enter the Batch ID information or leave blank then press. DLN Reference Number- 'Click on Tools' in the Menu Bar. Select 'List of Values'. Choose DLN Reference Number then press.

See Figure 3.10.5-30. Note: 'The Alpha Block Control' (ABC) automatically generates and fills the fields automatically. Since there are some Program Numbers for which more than one valid Tax Class/Doc Code combination is valid, you must select the valid Tax Class/Doc Code to be used. The cursor appears on the 'FLC Field'. Enter the File Location Code.

The cursor automatically moves to the 'Julian Date field'. Enter the 'Julian Date' 'NNNYYYY' then press. Enter the 'Block' number then press.

Enter the 'Serial' number (if required) then press. Enter the last digit of the year then press. Enter the count then press. Continue to enter the 'DLNs' using the arrow down key.

Write the 'ABC' on the Form 3893, Form 1332 or Form 813 upon the entry of each DLN. On the Menu bar, click on 'Batch' and then 'Save'. See Figure 3.10.5-34.

Note: Caution should be exercised whenever using this feature. Failure to follow guidelines for rolling back a batch could result in hung batches within the BBTS system. If any problems are encountered the Local BBTS Coordinator should be notified immediately to assist with problem resolution. 'Navigate' to 'Batch Rollback'. Enter the 'Program Code' and 'Batch Number' to be rolled back from the Form 9382 then press. The current and prior function will appear on the screen then press.

Click on 'Move Back'. A Batch Rollback confirmation message appears with, 'Batch has been returned to Function 230'. See Figure 3.10.5-42. The DLN Generation Screen is used to establish a block of With-Remit (W/R) returns processed by the Manual Deposit function.

This application allows the BBTS user to input specific information used to generate With-Remit (W/R) Block DLNs and Alpha Block Control (ABC) Codes. The DLN and the ABC for each block is established within the batch of work. 'Navigate' to the 'DLN Generation Screen'. With-Remit automatically appears in the first field. Enter the 5-digit Program Code.

The File Location Code (FLC) automatically generates. User may override then press.

Pictured is the Non-Remit DLN Generation Screen. Non-Remit is highlighted. Press the key.

Enter the 5-digit 'Program Code' from the Batch Transmittal Form 9382. Cursor automatically moves to the next field. Enter the Batch number from the Form 9382, Batch Transmittal. If the Batch number is less than 4-digit, press. If the Batch number is 4-digit, the cursor will advance to the next field. Enter a 3-digit number in the 'Docs per Block' field to indicate the block size (number of documents in the block) then press. The 'File Location Code (FLC)' is systemically generated for regular pipeline systems.

For some Non-Master File (NMF) and Information Returns Processing (IRP) batches, the cursor stops momentarily to allow the BBTS user to manually change the field. If no changes are needed, press. The cursor moves to the 'DLNs Needed' field. Note: These forms are usually reprinted due to a mistake or misplaced form. See Figure 3.10.5-53. 'Navigate' to the 'Reports Screen'.

Click on the 'Re-print Transmittal'. Enter the 5-digit 'Program Code'. Click on the 'Batch Number' field and enter the Batch Number. Select either 'Reprint 9382' or 'Reprint 1332' as appropriate. A pop-up window indicates Form 9382 successfully scheduled to print or Form 1332 successfully scheduled to be printed. Select 'Reports' on the Menu Toolbar. Select the 'Print' option.

Click on the form User wants to print. System generates forms.

Select 'Print' and then select 'OK'. A pop-up window appears with the following message: 'Did the Form 9382 or 1332 report(s) print correctly?'

Select either 'Yes', 'No' (Print Again) or 'Cancel' (Print Later). Follow the instructions in (2) through (11) above when re-printing Remittance Processing Identification (RPSIDs) transmittal.

To Re-print a Form 813, Enter 'DLN'. Select 'Re-print 813'. A pop-up window indicates Form 813 successfully scheduled to be printed.

Follow the instructions in (7) through (12) above. Pictured is the Create RPSID Screen. Enter the beginning RPSID number. Enter the Program number.

Press the key. Enter the Transaction Code. Enter the Tax Year (YYYY). Enter the Tax Period (MM). Enter the Received Date (MMDDYYYY).

Enter the number of RPSIDs. Select the 'Generate RPSIDs' button. Screen displays list of generated RPSIDs.

To print transmittals, select 'BBTS', 'print', 'transmittal'. See Figure 3.10.5-56.

Select 'Tools'. Select 'Delete RPSIDs'. Select the Program Code that was entered incorrectly then press. Select the Starting RPSID that you want to delete then press.

Select the Ending RPSID that you want to delete then press. Press the 'Delete' button then press the key. Screen displays a confirmation message displaying the RPSID range and Program code that you want to delete. Complete the process by selecting 'yes', to confirm deletion or 'no' to cancel deletion. Enter the Credit money amount then press. Use the up/down arrow to move to the corresponding credit money amount.

Enter the Debit money amount ONLY if found on Form 3244, Payment Posting Voucher, and ONLY after its corresponding credit money amount is entered. Press to move to the debit money amount field. To continue entering debit money amounts press. Press again to continue entering debit money amounts. The Totals credit money amount field increases as money amounts are entered.

Select 'Save' to commit the transaction when all money amounts have been entered. Select 'Closed'.

Enter the DLN to list additional blocks. Follow instructions in (a) through (c) above. Use the following procedures for Reconciliation to Balancing a DLN: See Figure 3.10.5-67. Courtesy Deposit. Manual Deposit. Cash Window. Foreign Deposit.

User Fees. Installment Agreement. Reinstated Installment.

Click on 'Tools' on the Menu bar and select 'Balance'. A pop-up window appears. Enter the total credit amount from the encoding tape then press twice. Select 'Balance DLN' then press. The block will be checked identifying DLN is balanced. Click on the 'Closed' button. Repeat (a) through (h) for additional blocks.

The Form 813-A cannot be printed until the reconciliation process has been completed. Upon the completion of the Recapitulation of the Document Register, Form 813-A, the user can recreate and remove a DLN from the Form 813-A. See Figure 3.10.5-74 and Figure 3.10.5-75. Select the appropriate DLN using the down arrow for each field. The DLN includes the File Location Code and the Tax/Class Doc Code, 3-digit Julian Date, Blocking Series and the Year digit. Click on 'Tools'. Select 'Remove DLN from Form 813-A'.

A pop-up window appears asking if the DLN should be removed. Select either 'Yes' or 'No'. Select 'Yes' a pop-up window appears. The DLN was successfully removed from the Form 813-A. The Off-Line DLN Generation Screen allows the user to establish Off-Line DLN Generation for Non-Master File (NMF) payments, returns sent from the Campus area offices. This screen is used for DLN renumbering performed in Rejects or in Accounting.

This screen is also for Employee Plan/Exempt Organization (EP/EO) user fees. All NMF documents are pre-sorted into like area offices, and Master File (MFT) codes. EP/EO user fees are pre-sorted by form number only.

The user assigns Document Locator Numbers (DLNs) to payments and returns. The payments and returns can be in the form of payment vouchers, such as Form 2424, Form 3244, Form 2552, and Form 3413, and BMF and IMF returns. Follow the instructions below to generate DLNs. Function Code Title 130 RPS Deposit Activities 150 Deposit Activities 170 Manual Deposit Activities Control 180 Batching 190 Numbering (Non-Remit Returns and Documents) 210 Code and Edit 230 Integrated Submission Processing and Remittance Processing (ISRP) 300 BBTS Utility 360 Imaging 390 Entity Control Employer Identification Number (EIN) and Social Security Number (SSN) 450 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Equipment Operation 500 Batch Block Tracking System 550 Support Activity 610 Systems Operations 880 Quality Assurance.