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Starting in Firefox 3.6.4 on Windows and Linux, a new feature isolates certain from the browser process and sets those plugins to each run in a separate process. Before this new 'out-of-process plugins' ('OOPP') crash protection feature, a problem with a plugin (e.g, Adobe ) would often cause the entire Firefox browser to.

When an 'out-of-process plugin' stops working, Firefox can remain running and just the portions of a webpage that need the plugin will be disabled (i.e., missing the plugin content). In Firefox 3.6 releases since Firefox 3.6.4, the crash protection feature that sets plugins to run in a separate process is enabled for specified plugins only. By default, the plugins enabled to run 'out-of-process' are the test plugin, Adobe, Apple (Windows) and Microsoft Silverlight (Windows). These 'whitelisted' plugins in Firefox 3.6 releases (Firefox 3.6.4 and above) are each specified in a separate dom.ipc.plugins.enabled. Preference that is set to true for each OOPP-enabled plugin. (Crash protection is disabled by default for all other plugins so, by default, the dom.ipc.plugins.enabled preference that permits all plugins to run 'out-of process' is set to false.) Note: This new crash protection feature is available for Mac OS (10.6 or higher) in Firefox 4 and above.

Plugin-container For each plugin for which the 'OOPP' crash protection feature is enabled, a separate plugin process will be started when you first visit a webpage that evokes that plugin. When you exit Firefox, those plugin-container processes will terminate. This plugin process is named 'plugin-container' on Linux, 'plugin-container.exe' on Windows, and 'Firefox Plugin Process ' on Mac OS. Important: Your or other security software may block the plugin-container process and prevent a plugin from working.

If you are asked for permission to allow the plugin-container process to access the Internet, you should allow it. If you previously denied access, you should change your security software program settings to allow plugin-container. Disabling crash protection In some cases you may want to disable the 'out-of-process plugins' (OOPP) crash protection feature; e.g., to troubleshoot problems that first appeared in Firefox 3.6.4 or above. To disable crash protection, go to and set to false all preferences starting with dom.ipc.plugins.enabled. (It is possible that your browser has only that preference entry without any addition.) This will prevent the 'plugin-container' process from running and all plugins will run within the Firefox browser process.

Firefox 3.6.x To disable crash protection in Firefox 3.6 releases (3.6.4 and above) type about:config in the (address bar) and press the Enter key. When the list of preferences appears, type dom.ipc.plugins.enabled to find the following preferences. Mac OS On Mac OS (10.6 or above), in Firefox 4 Beta releases previous to Beta 7, only certain plugins (Flash Player and Java) were 'whitelisted' to run out-of-process by default. These plugins were set to 'true' in the preference dom.ipc.plugins.enabled. Starting in Firefox 4 Beta 7, the following preferences are set to 'true', by default:.

dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.i386.flash player.plugin. dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.i386.javaplugin2npapi.plugin. dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.x8664 Important: Starting in Firefox 4 Beta 7, when Firefox is run in 64-bit mode (the default for 64-bit Mac OS 10.6) all plugins are set to run out-of-process via the dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.x8664 preference, which is set to 'true' by default.

If you change this preference to 'false' when running in 64-bit mode, some or all of your plugins will not work. Note that not all 32-bit plugins will run in 64-bit mode. Only plugins that use the Cocoa version of NPAPI will load; any i386 (32-bit) plugin still using Carbon NPAPI won’t load (e.g., Flash plugins previous to version 10.1 will not work when Firefox is run in 64-bit mode).

To troubleshoot plugins in Firefox 4.0 Beta 7 and above, set Firefox to run in 32-bit mode (close Firefox, control-click the icon, select 'Get Info', and then check the box, 'Open in 32-bit mode') before disabling crash protection. Windows and Linux In Firefox 4 and above on Windows and Linux, the preference dom.ipc.plugins.enabled is set to true by default and the OOPP crash protection feature is enabled for all plugins, with the exception of Java on Windows. To disable crash protection, toggle this preference from 'true' to false. If you only want to disable certain plugins from running 'out-of-process', you can 'blacklist' each plugin by creating a new boolean preference dom.ipc.plugins.enabled. And setting its value to false. Filenames of specific plugins can be found in and should be entered in lower-case.

Plugin hang detector In Firefox 3.6.4 and above, a determines when an out-of-process plugin or plugin script has stopped responding, so that Firefox can terminate the plugin. The time period that must pass before the plugin is assumed to be locked up is set in the preference dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs (the default is 45 seconds in Firefox 3.6.6). When Firefox terminates a plugin that is no longer responding, you will see the 'plugin has crashed' error dialog shown above. To prevent Firefox from terminating plugins it considers non-responsive, set dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs to -1 in. This disables the plugin hang detector but does not disable OOPP or stop 'plugin-container' from running; to do that, you must set the dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.

preferences to 'false'.

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No longer works properly on Mac Microsoft ended support for Internet Explorer for Mac on December 31st, 2005, and does not provide further security or performance updates. Since the browser is no longer designed to handle the requirements of most modern web pages, we strongly advise you to try, or instead.

Topic Can Descargar Firefox 14 For Mac

Alternatively, just check out all of the available for Mac. Totally unusable - only for nostalgia However, if you really can't help yourself and are an Internet Explorer nostalgic, you might want to try it for a trip down memory lane. However, for normal internet browsing we'd really discourage you from using it. We couldn't even render the Softonic website in it and indeed, most websites failed to load properly. Internet Explorer for Mac is incredibly slow, buggy, prone to crashes and freezing and is woefully short of security settings.

Since development finished in 2005, Internet Explorer for Mac doesn't offer even the most basic features that you would consider a prerequisite on any browser nowadays like tabs, extensions, saved sessions or private data management. This latest version — version 5.2.3 — enhances browser compatibility for users who work on a network with secure authentication or with proxy servers.

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It also provides all the latest security and performance enhancements for Internet Explorer 5 for Mac OS X. Changes. This latest version — version 5.2.3 — enhances browser compatibility for users who work on a network with secure authentication or with proxy servers. It also provides all the latest security and performance enhancements for Internet Explorer 5 for Mac OS X.

By Anonymous Not compatible with new Macs. Internet Explorer used to be pretty good browser for Windows. In my opinion Mac users do not need it. Def ault OS X browser is almost perfect. If you are looking for the alternative to Safari - Google Chrome may be a good choice. I have downloaded IE just to make sure that it is useless.

It did not work on my Mac. It is not compatible with Intel based machine so it can be used on old Macs only. Cons: not compatible with new Macs reviewed on May 14, 2015.