Shootshifter For Mac

Preview, sort, redate and rename NEW: Version 6.3 One of several cameras was set to a wrong date? The time was slightly off? – So your media are all over the place? – No problem anymore! Realigning the files is surprisingly easy now: shootShifter presents photos and movies in chronological order on a graphical timeline or grid.

Date and time changes can then be applied with several tools to individual files or even complete folders. It is possible to directly enter new dates and times, or to simply move the thumbnails around on the timeline, etc. Using the fullscreen preview and its related features, one can get a great overview over all the media and already here get rid of the least successful ones. At the end the files can be renamed with standardized filenames using the user-configurable naming templates. And when everything is corrected this is still a very useful tool to quickly present images as fullscreen slideshows.I.

use nothing else anymore!:-). 'This tool is amazing. The developer clearly knew what he and we needed and made this task of merging photos from different cameras easy. I really feel I know what is going to happen to all my different timestamps. No black magic that leaves me wondering which timestamps get updated and which don't.' 'This program is reliable and works as described.

Used it to fix time differences with camera A and camera B from a wedding.' 'Works wonders! Two wedding shooters with multiple cameras - their clocks set different - this program made it possible to get the images back in exact sequence. You can't imagine how much time this saved me.' 'Definitely one of my go to tools to help photo management. And do not forget to check out the preferences, there are lots of options to finetune the program to exactly what you need.' 'But where I found it most useful, was in getting a bunch of photos from various devices (that were not time or date synchronised), into the correct chronological order.

This app made that process an absolute breeze.' More detailed overview. View files in chronological order on timeline or fullscreen grid, additional bigger previews and the info popover show more details. Select the appropriate source time zone for folders or single files (if it differs from System). Date and time will still be displayed converted to system time, but now using the correct 'source data'.

Saving date/time modifications is possible using system or the source time zone (or even another different one), as required. Modify dates and times on single files or complete folders at once: Enter new values or simply move thumbnails by drag & drop or keyboard shortcuts, or use the automatic realign options. Quick selections: select thumbnails by media and file types, data sources, camera types, locations (radii). And more context dependent ones like: changes, possible errors, search results, etc. Or use the map to manually find and select media based on location data. Quick navigation on timeline and grid: Use jump markers, jump to automatic 'time chapters' (e.g. Next/previous day), and utilize the new 'live-target' mode.

Rename files using custom naming templates, with a sequence counter per folder or spanning all folders at once, use old filename and/or foldername as the basis for new names, or set completely new ones. View media in a fullscreen slideshow: With overview grid (as quick navigation), 100% loupe (even for movies), temporary movie bookmarks (that can be exported as 'Chapter Text'), 'locked random' mode (can be interrupted by non-random navigation and then reasonably resumed), etc. For quick slideshow-only usage, there is also a special express import option that skips all date parsing. Supports JPG, TIFF, HEIC., many RAW files (using EXIF, TIFF data), QT movies (and 'alikes': MOV, MP4, etc.) and some AVIs (using MDTA, MVHD or RIFF data from the movie header). (.

High Sierra only). Other file types (GIF, PNG, unsupported RAWs and movies) or files without embedded metadata will be imported based on their filesystem date/times. At least THESE can be changed and the files can be renamed, too. RAW+JPGs and Live Photos can be imported as file groups, so all changes are always applied to both files at the same time. XMP and AAE sidecar files are supported, too, so these will be moved and/or renamed together with the main files, and date/time modifications can be transferred to pre-existing XMP data. 1.Another event passed by and several people took a lot of great photos.

Unfortunately they did not think about synchronizing their cameras beforehand. Therefore the resulting folders of images cannot be presented in correct sequence based on either the embedded time information or the filenames. A simple correction of exactly one hour (forgot daylight saving time?) can ususally be achieved quite easily. But all too often its more difficult than that. Most of the time the actual order depends on seconds. And to find out these precise values for multiple folders its very valuable to have a fast graphical preview. Reminder: The 'hidden' Shortcuts On Import hold alt Shows the 'temporary import modifiers'.

This allows to quickly customize the current import operation. Hold ctrl Change Adjustment Mode from the default 'Adjust altogether' to 'Adjust separately'. Hold cmd Speed up import by not generating thumbnail images. Hold shift ( last three: these are the defaults and can change depending on preferences.) Slideshow-only express import: no thumbnail creation and no date parsing and thus VERY fast. Timeline Navigation hold ctrl + shift (or fn + shift) 'Live-target' mode: shows previews for the thumbnails that are near the mouse pointer. Cmd + left/right ('Adjust separately' only) Multi-select previous/next thumb. Cmd + ctrl + left/right ('Adjust separately' only) Multi-select previous/next thumb, but deselecting the current one.


Ctrl + alt + left/right 'Keyboard-drag' the (multi-)selection. Ctrl + alt + cmd + left/right 'Keyboard-alternate-drag', fits the (multi-)selection between two thumbs. Alt + left/right Quick navigate the selected folder: skips adjacent photos from the same folder and all photos from other folders. Alt + left/right (with multi-selection) Quick navigate the multi-selection: selects only multi-selected photos, skips adjacent ones. Alt + up/down Previous/next photo with highlight dot (date change in 'Adjust separately', import change, or possible save/rename error) or 'Keeper' marker. Double click thumb of unselected folder (or press return/enter) Select that folder.

Alt + page-up/down (fn + alt + up/down) Scroll to previous/next date/time 'chapter' shown by the labels. Space Enter slideshow mode (This shortcut can be changed in the preferences).

Alt + space Enter slideshow mode, enabling filter. Ctrl + space Enter overview grid (alignment mode). Time Grid Navigation Most of these timeline shortcuts work on the grid, too, with added up/down variants. (Because of that the aforementioned alt + up/down does NOT work on the grid.) Map Navigation hold ctrl + shift (or fn + shift) 'Live-target' mode: shows preview for the pin near the mouse pointer.

Hold ctrl + alt Enable drag selection: use the mouse to select (multiple) pins. Folder Table double click folder Select the first photo from that folder and scroll it in sight.

Shift + double click folder (that has a saved custom quick selection) Restore the custom quick selection. Triple click folder ('Adjust separately' only) Select all photos from that folder. Alt + triple click folder If necessary and possible change mode to 'Adjust separately' then select all photos from that folder.

Shift + triple click folder ('Adjust separately' only) Select all 'keepers' from that folder. Alt + shift + triple click folder If necessary and possible change mode to 'Adjust separately' then select all 'keepers' from that folder. Slideshow NEW ( Several options that were previously listed here are not 'hidden' anymore.

They can now be accessed using the main menu in 'View/Slideshow/' and 'Window/Slideshow Actions/', or using the context menus.) hold cmd (in 100% loupe mode) Fix loupe position, only the crosshair remains movable. Scroll up/down or magnifying gesture (in 100% loupe mode) Resize 100% loupe. 1-9 Change slide duration, in seconds. Cmd + up/down Increase/decrease slide duration. Left/right Previous/next image. Up/down (in random mode) Previous/next image in NON-random order. Hold alt (when changing movie position) More precise but usually slower scrubbing.

Shift + left/right (movies) Inner-movie navigation: +/- about 10 sec. Shift + up/down (movies) Inner-movie navigation: +/- smallest possible step. Shift + cmd + left/right (movies with bookmarks) Jump to previous/next bookmark. (Use context menu to see previews and, while holding alt, to remove bookmarks again.) hold i Display quick info layer. Esc Exit 100% loupe / exit slideshow. Ctrl + left-click / right-click (on thumbnails, folders, timeline, grid, map, and slideshow background, etc.) Important: Do not forget to use the context menus! Many options can be quickly reached this way.

(And for a few smaller slideshow-features there really is no alternative.) alt + cmd + up/down (when search field is active) Change search category. Hold shift + alt + cmd (or alt when using menus) Enable the option to save 'unchanged' photos. So its possible to use the automatic date adjustments (as configured in the preferences) on ALL images. Hold alt (when using the interface divider) Change Timeline maximum height. Hold ctrl (when resizing the main window) Resize the folders table instead of the previews.

Version 6.3 2018/10/24 new Added Dark Mode on macOS 10.14 Mojave. new Major optimizations under the hood (restoring operating speed on Mojave, among other things): Improved Time Grid performance, requires less RAM, projects are smaller.

fix Trashing multiple files by holding the keyboard shortcut was problematic with faster than default 'Key Repeat'. fix Fixed possible display issues using the move shortcuts on the Time Grid. fix Plus more minor bug fixes and tweaks. Version 6.2 2018/08/29 new Added option to 'reconnect' folders: Restoring app state (saved when quitting the app or stored in the projects tray) can only work correctly if the media folders were not modified too much in the meantime: If e.g. A folder was moved to another (backup) volume or a (parent) folder was renamed on a volume with the 'wrong' file system, then these folders cannot be retrieved automatically anymore. In these situations the correct folders can now be reconnected manually. (To open that dialog at any time: hold Alt key and select 'Validate Folder States' from the 'File' menu or the folder context menu.) new Related: Also added flexibility in how these 'unconnected folders' are handled.

It is possible now to keep these folders around in the project (e.g. USB stick not at hand right now?). Prior to these changes one had to cancel the restore or discard problematic folders right away. new The projects tray now officially supports subfolders (This more or less already worked since v6.0, but I never mentioned it anywhere, because I wanted to fix some smaller remaining issues first). Just use the Finder to add and rename these (Hold Alt when using a projects' context menu and select 'Reveal in Finder' to quickly locate that project in the tray folder.) new Mini optimization for slideshow mode: Alt + Return/Enter/play button plays back movie files from the beginning. fix Optimized timeline drag&drop performance to get rid of a very specific display issue that could occur on some 'slower displaying' systems. fix Fixed weird slideshow issue on SOME Macs using High Sierra: If the info popover was visible when the slideshow was used for the FIRST time that session, the navigation could break until slideshow close/reopen.

fix A few more minor fixes and tweaks related to (amongst others): projects tray, cache handling, importing single files, etc. Version 6.1.2 2018/06/04 fix Fixed an embarrasing import issue that could prevent the correct import of larger folders since release 6: Preview generation was possibly impacted after that (showing errors) or in the worst case it would simply stop and not import any more files.

(Thanks a lot for the report!) Version 6.1.1 2018/05/22 fix Fixed an issue with the movie stills export on pre Sierra systems: Selecting a custom target location did not work correctly. Version 6.1 2018/04/21 new Quick addition to the movie 'bookmark' tools: It is now possible to export these positions as still images. Movie data like date/time, location and camera type is transferred in the process (if available). The workflow is as follows: - Play back the movie as fullscreen 'slideshow', and navigate with up to frame precision using shift-left/right (+/- 10 sec.) and shift-up/down (+/- up to 1 frame). Set temporary bookmarks for the frames you like by pressing 'B' ('Edit / Movie Positions / Add Temp. Bookmark'), or use the context menu.

Finally choose ' / Export Stills' (cmd+B) or ' /Export Stills (Selection)' (with additional alt-key for the complete multi-selection), then select image format, quality, and other export options (target location, import upon completion). fix Inactive text was very hard to read on the projects tray (in High-DPI). fix Fixed issues with the dialog that is presented when media folders cannot be found again on project restore. fix Trashing files during a slideshow could close the slideshow unexpectedly if rating filters are activated. fix For some movies the camera model was not displayed correctly, if imported as 'slideshow only'. Version 6.0.1 2018/03/31 fix Changing timeline maximum height (by holding alt key while using the interface divider) did not work correctly with scroll bar system setting 'Show always'.

fix Optimized another case where 'overcautious' alerts warned about a possible issue that was not really relevant in that situation. fix The 'empty' placeholder string in the projects tray sometimes reappeared even though the tray was not empty anymore. fix Fixed possible crash when moving files from a 'standard' folder into a 'slideshow' folder. fix Fixed issues related to trashing files: - It was possible that the menu item did not work correctly during a slideshow. Trashing files was prevented on some NASs, displaying just an error message instead.

Shootshifter For Mac Os

Trashing multiple files should also be noticeable faster again. fix And more smaller tweaks and fixes. Version 6.0 2018/02/15 new Added option to save the full app state (including e.g.

All current imports, unsaved modifications, ratings, temporary movie bookmarks, window and thumbnail sizes, etc.) using the 'Projects Tray' ( ⌘T ). This can then be easily restored at a later time. So switching between different projects is no hassle anymore This allows completely new use cases and workflows! new In the process improved the way external file and folder changes (after import) are handled. (Primarily: Problems are recognized sooner and an alert asks to use the new reimport option if necessary.) new Optimized (mainly parallelized) file import and thumbnail generation: E.g.

On a 2009 Mac Pro with retrofitted SSD it resulted in considerable speedups from 1.5x up to 6x(!). new Major optimizations for grid mode: overhauled appearance, improved performance and usability in several areas, added labels (with 'chapter jump', a la timeline). new More options to customize thumbnail sizes using the +/- keys or the scaling sliders, now also on the grids and dialogs, wherever they are used. Doubled thumbnail and thereby grid maximum size. new Added display options for RAW files during a slideshow.

Its now possible to only display the embedded preview image, or to display that at first, until the full image is generated. Depending on the quality of the embedded image this can be a great and MUCH faster alternative for viewing these files. Like the general preview options this can be set for specific camera types. new Extended the ratings options: Files can now be marked as 'Keeper' or as 'Rejected', for a bit more slideshow filter and quick selection flexibility. new Related: The slideshow quick navigation grid is now a more full featured ratings view, too: Rating (and e.g.

Trashing, etc.) files is possible, and there are special highlighting and filtering options that work based on these extended ratings. (Use alt-click or cursor keys to change the selection without exiting to image fullscreen view. Hold a ratings shortcut and drag or click to quickly rate multiple files.) new HEIC files are (finally) supported on High Sierra. fix Bug fixes and tweaks, amongst others: - Trying to trash several hundred files at once could crash the app.

For some AVIs a warning about possible timestamp problems was displayed even though there was nothing wrong with them. Interrupting LivePhoto playback would continue to play the movie in the background, so the audio was audible till the end. I had to clean up and change a few shortcuts (Especially in slideshow mode: The old idea to have shortcuts that work with AND without holding the cmd-key proved limiting over time.) Sorry! But: Most of these shortcuts can now be found in the main menu, too, so the discoverability should be improved.

info Released a new DEMO version. (It is save disabled with regard to the media files but the new 'Projects Tray' can be used to easily transfer your work to the full version at any time, if desired.) Version 5.1.3 2017/12/19 fix Fixed possible crash related to thumbnail generation for RAW files NOT supported by the system. fix Fixed a display issue with the thumbnail date picker that affected macOS 10.11. fix Fixed a possible issue with automatic subfolder import (It was not always fully reliable).

fix And a few more smaller optimizations and fixes. Version 5.1.2 2017/11/10 fix Fixed an issue with the custom date picker that could break it temporarily.

Shootshifter mac free

fix Fixed issue with the drag image that made drag&drop on the grid slightly more difficult using High Sierra. fix And a few more smaller optimizations and fixes, e.g. Related to window zooming, menu titles, alert navigation buttons, movie shortcuts (10 sec. Version 5.1.1 2017/08/25 fix Fixed drag and drop issues using the grid view.

Version 5.1 2017/08/18 new Added many optimizations and fixes related to system-wide 'Full Keyboard Access' mode. fix Fixed issue with editing string modifications (rename dialog). fix Fixed issues where the jump markers would sometimes not work correctly.

Shootshifter For Mac

fix Fixed possible issue with problem alerts: The buttons to directly jump to the thumbnails in question were not always refreshed correctly. fix The 'Space Key' option in the preferences did not work anymore. fix And a few more smaller optimizations and fixes, e.g. Related to grid view keyboard navigation, moving file groups to the trash, and general window management.

Version 5.0.2 2017/07/14 fix Bugfixes, amongst others: - Fixed issue on app launch when media files are dragged on the icon and an old app state has to be restored at the same time: Further imports were possibly prevented after that. Fixed a possible previews refresh issue when all thumbs are drag deselected on the timeline. In grid mode the folder selection UI did not work correctly for folders with identical names. Version 5.0.1 2017/06/13 fix Bugfixes, amongst others: - Scrolling the grid had a few restrictions on macOS 10.10 Yosemite. Improved compatibility with an upcoming system (fixed major display issues). Version 5.0 2017/05/23 new Added fullscreen overview grid (ctrl + cmd + g or ctrl + space): Can be used as an (almost) full-featured timeline alternative that shows many more thumbnails, and/or to quickly navigate slideshows.

new Added map window (cmd + l): To select images by location. To quickly copy date/time from one image to a nearby image taken at the same time with another camera.) Date/time adjustments can now be transferred, while saving, to existing GPS timestamps, too. new Added 'Live-target' mode (hold ctrl + shift or fn + shift): To see larger previews for thumbnails or pins that are near the mouse pointer, WITHOUT the need to change the current selection first. This is especially useful on the map where the pins have no thumbnail preview on their own.

To then quickly change the selection, just click the pin or thumbnail to use the context menu. new Folders or single files can now be assigned an appropriate source time zone (if differing from System). Date/time will still be displayed converted to system time, but now using the correct 'source data'. Saving date/time modifications is possible using system or source time zone (or even another different one), as required. new Added timeline date and time labels that can greatly improve a quick navigation (shift + cmd + L).

Its possible to scroll by top category (mostly days, but also hours or minutes) with alt + page-up/down (or: fn + alt + cursor-up/down). Optionally daylight saving time changes are visible, too.

new Related: Timeline maximum height can be customized by holding alt + moving the main interface divider. new Added thumb movement on timeline/grid using keyboard shortcuts: hold ctrl + alt (+ cmd) and use the cursor keys to move the current selection around. Just ctrl + alt corresponds to 'standard dragging' and ctrl + alt + cmd works like 'alternate dragging', i.e. It fits the selection between two thumbs.

new Related: added keyboard shortcut for disconnected multi selections: ctrl + cmd + cursor key (combined with the unchanged cmd + cursor key) new Added quick selections for mix folders: e.g. Select by media and file types, data sources, camera types, locations (radii).

And more context dependent ones like: changes, possible errors, search results, etc.! Its also possible to save the current multi selection as a custom quick selection. (Alt-double-clicking the folder reloads this VERY quick.) new Its now possible to move files to another folder.

(Simple and stringent rules for now: Both source and target folder need to be 'unmodified' and reside on the same volume.) new Added options to realign images on timeline/grid: Approximate or minimize time lags, sort by filename, reverse sequence. new For quick-imported and slideshow folders there already was the option to auto-generate thumbnails that are visible on timeline/grid. Added another option to generate ALL thumbnails in the background. new During movie playback its possible to set 'temporary bookmarks' (press B or use context menu). Navigate between these saved positions with shift + cmd + cursor-left/right or again using the context menu. Hold alt when using the menu to remove bookmarks again.

These positions can be exported as 'chapter texts', so its possible to use another app, like e.g. Subler (for.mp4 files, to convert these to 'real chapters' at the end. new Cleaned up import: photos without embedded date infos are now imported without popping up the import options, always using filesystem (creation) as data source. (Optionally showing a warning.) The ignoring option is gone for good, and alphabetical alignment is a global option now, possibly affecting ALL images of the current operation. new QT-movies with empty mvhd date tags can now use the import options, too, to populate these, if appropriate. new Added support for 'file groups': RAW+JPGs and Live Photos (i.e.

JPG+MOVs) can now be grouped on import and treated as single objects. Date/time and filename changes are always applied to BOTH files at the same time.

new Added 'temporary import modifiers' (hold alt-key on import): Its possible to set folder type, adjustment mode, or a default time zone (differing from System) for new folders, enable subfolder import, auto-date-corrections, alphabetical alignment, or a filter (to quickly set file extensions that are to be ignored or imported exclusively). The old alt-key function, toggling the adjustment mode default, is now possible with the ctrl-key. new Quite a few optical tweaks.

(Btw: main window transparency can still be toggled with the context menu. The same is now true for the previews-bar transparency below the overview grid.) new Plus many (MANY!) more smaller optimizations, tweaks and fixes. Amongst others: - Added option to change folder type and edit mode defaults. Added optional custom date picker that better reflects customized system date/time formats, has slighly improved appearance, and offers inner-widget-undo/redo. Added option to 'jump' to other file times that differ from the main source date/time. Cleaned up import options for Quicktime movies (and alikes). Fixed possible performance issues when dragging items on the timeline.

Fixed performance and memory issues when saving App State with LARGE folders. Improved timeline drag & drop in fullscreen mode. Fixed issues using copy/paste when modifying renaming templates.

Improved renaming-UI: All options in ONE place, the renaming-sheet.