Ga-z77x-ud5h Driver For Mac

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posted by Additional Hackintoshing resources. Related subreddits:. Hi, I am looking for any help or advice on switching graphics on a working-sierra hackintosh from onboard Intel 4000 to the GTX1060 with audio out over HDMI. I have used the tonymac method to produce a bootable system, and also this script provided by designed for my Z77X-UD5H motherboard - however I have not been able to get my EVGA 1060GTX (06G-P4-6161-KR) fully working with audio over HDMI.

I was able to get the Nvidia web-drivers installed and the card working correctly besides lacking sound out via HDMI. Since then I've done some more reading on tonymac forums regarding 10series gfx cards and audio over HDMI. Last thing I read was mentioning that audio out over HDMI on these cards cannot work unless using VoodooHDA - I'm not sure if that is still the latest. I also seen some posts about using a displayport to HDMI adapter to get sound-out on HDMI to avoid VoodooHDA. I'm planning on making a backup of my system with superduper probably and then attempting to modify clover to stop using intel and get the 1060gtx working WITH audio over HDMI. I'm still quite new to hackintoshes and Macs in general, so I've had to abandon failed attempts to get the GTX1060 working correctly before and re-install completely to start again. But I think the extra reading I have done on the forums should help me get the 1060gtx working with audio over hdmi, but if anyone has any extra tips, or there is better/alternate ways to get Audio over HDMI on my gtx1060 without using VoodooHDA (even though people managed to get audio working over hdmi with, no one seems to like using VoodooHDA for some reason?) I'm not exactly sure if racer masters script would make some changes to something relating to the onboard intel hdmi/audio out that I would have to undo in addition to installing the gtx1060.

I've had better luck/getting a further complete build with the 1060 using tonymac tools compared to racermasters script. But overall it seems that the racer master script install works better, But I'm not sure if I'll be able to find/unset any changes made from the script relating to the onboard gpu/sound. Thanks in advance for any help, tips, or guidance! I'll post back here later with any updates on how things are going, or if I manage to get it working with VoodooHDA as I've read on the forums. System stats: MB: Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H CPU: i7 3770k GPU: Onboard Intel4000/EVGA 1060GTX (06G-P4-6161-KR). I've had better luck/getting a further complete build with the 1060 using tonymac tools compared to racermasters script.

Can you elaborate on this? What 'better luck' have you had with tmx86 tools compared to my script? But overall it seems that the racer master script install works better, But I'm not sure if I'll be able to find/unset any changes made from the script relating to the onboard gpu/sound.

The script/ACPI edits are designed to be automatic - the IGPU and dGPU should coexist. You should be able to use both for display output and should be able to freely switch between them. You may need to set the IGPU as the primary output device in the UEFI setup if you're encountering panics related to the HD 4000 framebuffer kext.

You shouldn't have to modify anything to switch to the 1060 for display output (just plug your display into the 1060). However, I don't know the status of Pascal HDMI audio support. Can you post a IOReg dump? Oh Hi Racermaster! First - thank you so much for the script and responding!

To elaborate what I was mean regarding tmx86 I was able to get OSX booting with the 1060 installed & Nvidia Web Drivers installed/accelerated - but I was not able to get audio working as mentioned. Using your script its ultra easy to make a complete working bootable system based on my motherboard that uses the the onboard intel GPU with audio out, however I think I read some old threads on the forum regarding how to switch from onboard to external GPU and winded up making some changes to Clover before rebooting to swap in the GTX1060 and then it would not boot - and I did not know enough how to go about fixing it without doing a re-install. Basically my own fault for messing it up and not knowing how to repair it - not a knock on your script at all.

I notice lately you made some changes to the script and I will attempt to update my system and put the 1060 back in. I have another question regarding when I made the USB installer (ss of term log ) if doing that installed something?submodule paths on the mbp I used to make the USB installer? You make switching the cards sound so simple, and it explains why I ended up with a non-booting system before.

I added a bunch of flags and stuff to Clover that I read online was required for the GTX1060-however I now suspect that is dated information or not specific to my system. I'll give it another go, and if it does not work I will reply with the IOReg dump as you said. Thanks. Is that just with a -v boot flag?

I messed it all up and re-installed and made a backup to save time for next time if I have to go back to basic-stock setup using your script. I tried to install with the 1060. It kept rebooting.

I took some pictures quick if you want to see the log of that. Can you advise me on how to switch to the 1060gtx once I have a clean fresh install, using everything as recommended in the bios, and the onboard intel4000 for your script? From what I read, I think the procedure should be something like: -install web drivers -modify clover to stop injecting intel, and use webdrivers -shut down, install 1060gtx, boot up using the 1060. If I don't hear back from you or someone else before I get to that point. I will go ahead and give it a try while continuing to read on the forums in the meantime. I managed to get completely setup using your script, once again I followed some instructions from forums to try and switch to the 1060gtx.

Ga Z77x Ud5h

I removed CoreDisplayFixup.kext & IntelGraphicsFixup.kext and used multibeast to install EmuVariableUefi-64 + RC Scripts and made the changes to Clover, Installed Nvidia web drivers for that version of Sierra reboot to bios, set the internal gfx to disabled (thats what the instructions I read online said) Shut down, put the 1060gtx in and got some errors like this. Info I followed to switch the card Now I've put in the tmx86 USB installer and selected to boot from the install on the SSD and I am now back in Sierra with the 1060 running and the Nvidia web drivers say they are working. But the About Mac screen shows the graphics only have 8Mb.

The system is still showing as an iMac. The screen/graphics are all junky when my background changes every few minutes. I kinda don't really know what to do again. I'm following this now to finish Multibeast. But I don't know if it will work, or cause problems with something left over from your script? Topic can descargar firefox 14 for mac.

I'll give it a try. I was able to get everything working correctly. I started with a new USB installer using your script with the 10.12.4 Sierra installer I had for a while now.

Completely set it up, Followed the threads linked above for making changes to Clover and removed a those few kext's mentioned. Followed the multibeast guide above for the drivers. And realized why the previous tmx86 installs never worked because I missed installing the RC scripts and emuvariabluefi-64. Before I completed the install with multibeast I mounted the EFI partition, backed up the EFI folder from the racermaster install, installed the multibeast/clover/drivers.


I also manually updated hwmonitor,fakesmc, and all the sensor kexts because I read about outdated sensor kext causing kernel panics with Pascal. Had a little bit more changes to make in Clover after. Messed about with the AppleHDA/HDMIAudio.kext a bit with no luck and downloaded from and installed the option for Sierra, rebooted, changed the sound output and its working. I have the links/files saved if anyone else also wants them. Thanks for the help anyways!

Time to go relax.