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For Apple, the of high-end desktop Macs marks the end of its. The Mac Pro excels at the tasks you’d expect for a system targeted at the high-end professional market: computation-intensive, heavily multithreaded tasks such as 3-D rendering, scientific computing, and professional audio and video production.

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That makes these systems just about the best high-performance workstations money can buy—and potentially overkill for people who aren’t working in one of those fields. But the Mac Pro also arrives in a world of software that’s still in flux. Graphics professionals who rely on Adobe’s Creative Suite of applications won’t be able to run them natively on the Mac Pro, and most Mac software still isn’t able to take advantage of the four processor cores that power these machines. Generation pro Although the Mac Pro doesn’t share the name of its predecessor, the Power Mac G5 (; ), it does share the same aluminum skin. While Apple’s left the external design alone, it’s addressed the G5 line’s greatest shortcomings with the Mac Pro. The Power Mac G5’s internal design was dictated by the need to cool the super-hot G5 processors.

As a result, even though the G5’s internal volume was much larger than the Power Mac G4’s, it was a step back when it came to storage, offering space for only two drives. Thanks to the Mac Pro’s dramatically cooler Intel Xeon processors, Apple’s been able to reclaim space from the cooling system and contribute it toward internal storage.

The Mac Pro can hold four Serial ATA (SATA) drives, up from the G5’s maximum of two. It’s easy to install a new drive in a Mac Pro: just slide out an empty drive housing (the Mac Pro ships with four housings, even if you buy only one internal drive), attach a SATA drive to it with four included screws, and slide the drive back into the Mac Pro. The drives attach directly to the Mac Pro’s motherboard, so you don’t need to fiddle with cables—the housings are designed so the drives slide smoothly back and into place. Also hearkening back to the last generation of Power Mac G4 systems, the Mac Pro’s optical drive bay has room for two full-size optical drives. Although this seems a bit excessive today, the choice makes a bit more sense when you consider that we’re on the cusp of a whole new generation of optical drives in the form of the high-capacity HD-DVD and Blu-ray formats. During the introduction of DVD burners, it was useful to have both a state-of-the art CD burner and a newfangled DVD drive, and I expect the same to hold true during the transition to these new optical formats. With the G5, Apple finally gave Mac users easy-to-access USB, FireWire, and headphone ports on the front of the case.

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Proving that there’s never enough of a good thing, the Mac Pro increases that number from two to four: There are now two USB 2.0 ports on the front, and one each of FireWire 400 and 800. There are three additional USB 2.0 ports on the back, giving the Mac Pro a total of five USB 2.0 and four FireWire ports. That cheer you hear is coming from all the Power Mac G5 users who are tired of plugging and unplugging (and most definitely not from the makers of USB hubs).

Invaders from planet Xeon Of course, the Mac Pro’s most radical departure from its Power Mac G5 forebears is in the chip that powers it. Each Mac Pro uses two dual-core Intel Xeon 5100 series processors, meaning that every Mac Pro has four processor cores. Whereas the Power Mac G5 offered a single quad-core configuration (two dual-core 2.5GHz G5 chips for $3,299), the Mac Pro line offers three, featuring Xeon processors running at 2.0GHz, 2.66GHz, and 3.0GHz. To speed processing, each Xeon chip also has 4MB of Level 2 cache. When it comes to processors, using a lot of energy and generating heat go hand in hand—and these Xeons use less power and throw off less heat than the G5 chips.

The Mac Pro has four fans (down from nine fans plus a liquid cooling system in the G5), and they run much quieter than the fans on the G5. On my Power Mac G5, kicking a processor-intensive job into high gear (encoding a video, for example) would immediately result in an audible crank-up of the computer’s fans. The Mac Pro, in contrast, remains remarkably quiet even during heavy use. All the sounds I noticed emanating from the Mac Pro were from three SATA drives, not cooling fans. When we used an ammeter to test the power usage of the 2.66GHz Mac Pro against the Power Mac G5 Quad (; ), we found that the Mac Pro definitely used less energy. The G5 used 92 percent more power when starting up, 88 percent more when running an Unreal Tournament 2004 demo, 62 percent more when idle, and 242 percent more when sleeping. And of course, the presence of Intel-based processors in the Mac Pro means that.

Take Advantage Of These Prices Now Graphic Card For Mac

At press time, Apple’s Boot Camp would run on the Mac Pro, but without several native device drivers. Although you can download many drivers from third-party sources, Apple will likely update Boot Camp to include Mac Pro drivers soon. (At press time, Parallels Desktop (; ) doesn’t run on Mac Pros, but Parallels says it’s working on a fix.) Juggling cores When it comes to sheer speed, it’s easy to look at Macworld Lab’s test results and declare that the 2.66GHz Mac Pro is the fastest Mac of all time (until, that is, we test its 3GHz variation)—it scored a record 299 on our Speedmark 4.5 test suite. But the Intel era of Mac computing has made making such declarations problematic at best.

Take Advantage Of These Prices Now Graphic Card For Mac

First, there’s the issue of Rosetta performance. Software that hasn’t been recompiled to run natively on Intel-based Macs must run in Apple’s Rosetta code-translation layer, and everything slows down when Rosetta dynamically translates PowerPC commands into Intel equivalents. As a result, the Mac Pros are the first high-end Macs ever to run Adobe Photoshop slower than their predecessors—because Photoshop (and indeed, Adobe’s entire Creative Suite) currently must use run Rosetta in order to run on Intel Macs. (The 2.66GHz Mac Pro actually ran our suite of Photoshop tasks see benchmark chart below at almost exactly the same speed as a Power Mac G4 1.42 GHz dual-processor system. Mac Pro 2.66GHz Speedmark 4.5 Adobe Photoshop CS2 Cinema 4D XL 9.5.21 Compressor 2.1 iMovie 6.0.1 iTunes 6.0.4 Unreal Tournament 2004 Finder OVERALL SCORE SUITE RENDER MPEG-2 Encode AGED EFFECT MP3 ENCODE FRAME RATE ZIP ARCHIVE Mac Pro/2.66GHz (Standard) 299 1:25 0:28 1:47 0:38 0:48 91.3 2:01 Power Mac G5/2.5GHz quad-core 262 0:45 0:30 1:52 0:39 0:43 62.2 2:22 Power Mac G5/2.7GHz dual-processor 267 0:48 0:52 2:17 0:43 0:46 44.3 2:15 Power Mac G4/1.42GHz dual-processor 155 1:24 2:23 4:43 1:24 1:35 26.5 3:16 20-inch iMac Core Duo/2GHz 210 2:31 1:11 3:21 1:03 1:26 54.1 2:34 Better Better.