Nypd Cop Uber Driver For Mac

Click to expand.Except he wasn't even being challenged in his capacity as a cop and nobody knew he was a cop until he decided to bring it up just to intimidate the guy who was in the right. It's nothing but an asshole with a classic case of road rage combined with a sense of entitlement and the authority to throw his weight around even when he's totally in the wrong. If the situation had been reversed, the same asshole would have been reading the driver the riot act for failure to signal before parking.

Reminds me of the cop in my building whose car recently got stickered after he left his car for hours in a no parking area of our parking lot (right in front of the huge 'No Parking - Violators Will Be Towed' sign). He peeled the sticker off his car and stuck it on the Superintendent's car. Except he wasn't even being challenged in his capacity as a cop and nobody knew he was a cop until he decided to bring it up just to intimidate the guy who was in the right. It's nothing but an asshole with a classic case of road rage combined with a sense of entitlement and the authority to throw his weight around even when he's totally in the wrong. If the situation had been reversed, the same asshole would have been reading the driver the riot act for failure to signal before parking.

Nypd Cop Uber Driver For Mac Os

Reminds me of the cop in my building whose car recently got stickered after he left his car for hours in a no parking area of our parking lot (right in front of the huge 'No Parking - Violators Will Be Towed' sign). He peeled the sticker off his car and stuck it on the Superintendent's car. Click to expand. OK I watched the vid again Thoughts. I feel terrible for the uber guy.shit happens, I've had worse run ins.part of life in the big city. He'll eventually learn to spot cops and not fucking wave at them or flip them off.

In his country, probably pakistan, the cops beat you with a 4 foot wooden pole when they are angry. In relative terms, this went well for him The homos in the back? From their accent they are obviously not from NY.Most likely mid western hipsters who are flooding the city with their parent's money and lots of opinions about how the city should be run. The city that is only safe because of asshole cops like this guy. Someone has to be the dickhead, or the city will turn back into the zoo it was when Dinkins and crack hit it simultaneously. Those kids in the back seat would get eaten alive in NY if it weren't for nasty, shitty guys like that cop.it's a fact, ugly, but a fact.

Have a nice day.

Click to expand.You appear to have a very warped understanding of right from wrong. The cop is the shithead in this scenario. The uber driver's offense was pointing out to this cop - not knowing he was a cop - that he was parking without signaling. You know, the law this cop was hired to enforce, but had just broken.

Nypd Cop Uber Driver For Mac Free

ForNypd Cop Uber Driver For Mac

Instead of letting it go, the cop chose to abuse his power and reveal his sense of entitlement. He basically pulled a 'Do you know who I am?' To justify his disregard for the very law he expects everyone else to abide. He yelled at the foreign guy for deigning to understand the law, but not understanding that Det. Entitlement is apparently above that very law he's tasked with enforcing and how dare foreign guy not understand that in 'merica, you don't tell a guy you didn't know was a cop that he's supposed to have his blinkers on when he parks. Click to expand.He's obviously a detective?

Nypd Cop Uber Driver For Mac

Nypd Cop Uber Driver For Mac

That's your reasoning for this appalling behavior? The point of someone like him having that kind of power is knowing when to 'blow off steam.' That's sorta why he gets to have a gun and badge. Because he, above all others is supposed to know when to 'blow off steam' and when not to. For example, when someone following the God damned law points out to you that you, 'Mr. Detective' have just broken the law and that someone didn't know you were 'Mr.

Detective,' you don't use the opportunity to abuse that authority and attack a LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN for pointing out what is RIGHT. It couldn't be more obvious that if something like this had happened to someone you care about ie., they were actually following the law and pointed out to someone else they were breaking the law and that person turned out to be a cop who shit on the person you care about, you wouldn't be telling a loved one to go wash their pussy. The NYPD detective who was has been stripped of his shield and gun, and will be placed on modified duty, Police officials said. Detective Patrick Cherry has been removed from the department’s elite Joint Terrorism Task Force and will be doing desk duty until he is officially transferred out of the prestigious division. “No good cop should watch that video without a wince,” Commissioner Bill Bratton said at a Wednesday press conference. “Because all good cops know that officer just made their jobs a little bit harder.” “In that kind of encounter, anger like that is unacceptable,” Bratton continued. “In any encounter, discourtesy and obscene language like that is unacceptable.

“That officer’s behavior reflected poorly on everyone who wears our uniform.”. The NYPD detective who was has been stripped of his shield and gun, and will be placed on modified duty, Police officials said.

Detective Patrick Cherry has been removed from the department’s elite Joint Terrorism Task Force and will be doing desk duty until he is officially transferred out of the prestigious division. “No good cop should watch that video without a wince,” Commissioner Bill Bratton said at a Wednesday press conference. “Because all good cops know that officer just made their jobs a little bit harder.” “In that kind of encounter, anger like that is unacceptable,” Bratton continued. “In any encounter, discourtesy and obscene language like that is unacceptable. “That officer’s behavior reflected poorly on everyone who wears our uniform.”.